Thursday, 15 March 2012

5am oatmeal!

Since arriving in the States back in February I have become very much accustomed to 4am starts. You know it is too early when you go to brush your teeth at the airport and put soap on your toothbrush.... I worked out I have been on 16 different flights during this time (I dread to think of the carbon footprint I am leaving behind with this jet-setting!) I have probably seen more of America already than most American's have! You get quite good at making the whole flying process more bearable like walking onto the plane with your headphones in to prevent people feeling the need to chat to you. They see your helmet on your bag... "ahh so do you do mountain biking?" "no actually road cycling, like the tour de france kind of thing" "oh cool, how far do you race then?" "usually about 130km" "wow so is that like a relay are you gonna be in the Olympics?" excellent 5 hours of this!

Since I last blogged I have been to California back to North Carolina to Florida back to North Carolina and back to California which is where I am currently. Racing kicked off in Merced with the Merco Classic; it was a great start to the season for the team with Joelle and Leah taking 2nd and 3rd overall. Next up was the Delray twilight crit in Florida. We had such a fun weekend of racing; despite forging many breaks we didn't manage to break the race up so in the end it was a bunch sprint and Courteney powered to 3rd. We lived it up post race experiencing how the other half live. Our host housing was unreal; yacht docked in the back garden, outdoor plasma screen, jacuzzi etc etc. Florida is pretty cool you have to look hard to spot a fat or botoxless person. Our host's very kindly took us out for supper on their boat which was a lush way to end the weekend.

Tomorrow the San Dimas stage race kicks off. With lots of big names like Kristian Armstrong and Ina Teutenberg competing it will make for some exciting racing. Stage 1 starts with a lung busting uphill TT- bring on the burn!! 

Ciao for now!

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