Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Kiwi summer

November threw a bit of a spanner in the works for 1 reason or 10. Things are on the up now that I've disappeared to the other side of the world! I am loving the kiwi summer and splendid Lowe hospitality! 

The plan was to switch nationalities. I have held dual passports since birth and was lead to believe the switch would be a breeze so I booked my flights before the prices soared. Little did I know. Despite numerous appeals ruling 1.1.033ยง2 was not budging. I have decided to quit fighting the UCI. Unless I lose my British passport I can't be a Kiwi. I have a better chance representing Chad or Honduras (if they were to become cycling nations for that matter) all I'd need to do would be marry a local and live there! Obviously wavering my British nationality and taking legal action is a big deal so I will leave it be. The UCI regulation was not in place when I first took up cycling. It states that if you hold 2 passports and therefore citizenship to more than one country you have until the age of 18 or whenever you take out your first racing licence to pick which nationality you want to be. The ODP took out a GB licence for me, so I am stuck with it. Ironically had I not had a NZ passport since birth I could switch tomorrow no problem. Incredibly frustrating. Anyway I am down under for the rest of the winter, no January Elite NZ nationals for me to train for any more which can only mean more beach time right? So I'm pommie for now until the UCI wish to address their inconsistency! 

Throwing in some additional scary health revelations, funding cuts and final year university cramming all made for a fun final week at home whilst having no idea how many months abroad I was packing up for. I have a round the world ticket which takes me straight to California in February for the start of the racing season. Things are getting exciting now that plans are becoming firmer, I can't wait to be based in California again next year for a season of NRC racing. 

Not missing my post ride winter thaw out spot!
New post ride spot instead!
I love the Mount!
2nd ride here didn't go so well...

I pulled my pedal off doing uphill sprints and took a little tumble.

Ciao for now, I would end on a gloating summery jealousy provoking note but it has been pouring with rain for the last 48 hours haha.

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